Become a
Certified Coach

Discover the secret to understanding new clients and prospects in the first minutes of your engagement. You’re invited to check your eligibility for the PrinciplesYou Certification Course.

Next Live Cohort starts on June 26th, 2023.


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As a PrinciplesYou Certified Coach, clients can trust you to evaluate and leverage the results of the popular PrinciplesYou assessment.

1.5 Million people have taken the PrinciplesYou assessment and over 30,000 people take the assessment every month. Become certified to access this client pipeline.

APPLY NOW - pages programs principles deliver.svg

Become one of the first PrinciplesYou Certified Coaches to learn how to extract, interpret, and leverage PrinciplesYou results in your coaching practice.

To coach a client towards meaningful change, you must first understand them - and since people often hold inaccurate or outdated beliefs about themselves, you can’t exclusively depend on a client’s self-report.

PrinciplesYou assessment provides the objective, detailed insights required for transformational coaching, but clients need support to analyze their results and take action.

Get to know your clients at a deeper level to achieve a greater impact, faster. - pages programs principles quote grey

We designed PrinciplesYou to help you gain the self-awareness and other-awareness that are critical to making good decisions and getting things done.

Dr. Adam Grant,

Organizational Psychologist, Author and Co-Creator of the PrinciplesYou Assessment - pages programs principles divider.svg

Exclusive PrinciplesYou
Certified Coach Directory - pages programs principles sq client portal.svg

Be one of the first coaches to be listed on this exclusive directory. Each month, thousands of assessment takers will search this directory for coaches to help them understand their results. - pages programs principles sq files violet

You can create comprehensive coaching packages that help these new clients reach for what they really want, equipped with extensive knowledge of themselves.

The final LIVE cohort starts on June 26th, 2023!

SECURE YOUR PLACE TODAY! - pages programs principles divider.svg - pages programs principles sq ilu?v2

Discover if you qualify to be in the
final live PrinciplesYou Certification cohort

This LIVE 6-module course includes a variety of
learning methods over the course of a 4-week period -
a combination of 90-minute content and 90-minute guided
practice sessions to ensure you get the clarity
and experience. You gain a comprehensive understanding
of the popular PrinciplesYou assessment and the personality
science that underpins it. Participants in this
intensive certification program will: - pages programs principles divider.svg

Develop expertise in both the PrinciplesYou assessment and the personality science that underpins its approach - pages programs principles divider.svg

Learn how to effectively debrief using PrinciplesYou results, extracting practical, and actionable insights which inspire prospects to hire you as their coach - pages programs principles divider.svg

Acquire skills to support clients through the process of increased self- awareness so they can reach for goals beyond their comfort zones - pages programs principles divider.svg

Understand the art and science involved in guiding deep coaching conversations as well as how to apply this to build better coaching practice - pages programs principles divider.svg

Begin to coach from a “personality mindset” by integrating PrinciplesYou into coaching sessions, thereby enhancing and expanding coaching practice - pages programs principles divider.svg

Develop a deep understanding of your clients and prospects in the first debrief session, and unlock keys to their behaviors and attitudes that will make your coaching more effective from the very beginning of your interactions

This is the final opportunity to participate in this course in a live setting.

PrinciplesYou Certification has a limited number of seats and they are filling up fast. Check your eligibility to secure your spot TODAY.


Seats Available

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